Call of Duty Black Ops 15th Prestige
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Tuesday, November 26, 2013


The two pictures above were my fourth assignment given in HBP school. Our lecturers had gave us a task which is to build a 'L' shape chair with a small table located in those 'L' shape chair. We were given into many groups to makeit easier for us to build the chair. Firstly my friends and i were all blurred out about what type of chair that we will build so i as the group leader ask my group members to do some research first to find out what kind of chair that will be the most suitable to be placed near the office located beside the 'drum' building. On the next day my group members came to me with many ideas and when i see them, there were various type of chair design starting from the traditional one untill the modern type. We cannot take decission on which one should we used so we decided to combine the traditional design with the modern one and so we come out with the design such as the two pictures above. During the process of building the chair, there were not much trouble occurs. But, the day before the submission date our chair began to collapse. The main problem occur at the end of the chair where the aluminium plates stick with the wooden plank. The glue that we used did not last long so we have to put more and more glue to ensure that the aluminium plates will not come off again. On the day of the submission date, our group were selected among the other groups to present about our chair. I was very happy as the group leader. But there was some unexpected things occur just before our presentation get started and yet it was the same problem we faced yesterday. The aluminium plates come off. Oh god. What a shame experienced that i had. All the lecturers were astounded as the aluminium plates make a loud sound when it come off from the joints we maded with the wooden plank. As i suspected. The glue that we used did not last longer. I was very surprised about why the aluminium plates came off again because i use an extremely strong superglue that i bought at a very expensive price and yet i came off. The lecturers said to us: " how come the client will buy your product if during your presentation about the product that you will sell to the client, your model were collapsed? What do you think the client will think about your product after seeing your model have a problems?" Wah. I cannot do anything besides keep agreeing with the lecturers. But nevermind, there were many important things that i had learned from that experienced and again. Thank you lecturers for always supporting us eventhough sometimes their comments a bit harsh but it always for the good of their own students. 

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